I posted this to a local news outlet in response to another comment. It was blocked, but I wanted to save it here.

 Let's make this clear, whether Trump is a butthole or not has no factor in our day-to-day lives. Trump is simply a novelty, but he was a very effective leader and certainly a master at international politics, yes, I said that. On the other hand, Biden may be squeaky clean, but his disaster of a presidency HAS cost my family, a great deal. I couldn't care less about a person's private life. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news; ALL politicians are corrupt, and it's impossible to find one that isn't, including Biden. I don't care if Biden sniffs women's and young girl's hair although it does creep me out. I DO care about when he gives my tax dollars to pay for the education of others, when I on the other hand not able to afford to go for myself. It's not my fault if you can't pay your loans back, YOU signed on the dotted line. So I ask, who is the most corrupt? The man who gets convicted for 34 misdemeanors that are magically turned into felonies, or a president who ignores the ruling of the Supreme Court who explicitly told him it was extra-constitutional to take from one group to give to another. Biden frequently talks about protecting democracy... momentarily barring the fact that we are not a democracy and hopefully never will be, how is it protecting democracy for one coequal branch of the government to overrule one of the other branches, especially by fiat? So, it happened to our country because the left keeps pushing socialism and not realizing that the sister of socialism is communism, which has brought about 100,000,000+ deaths in the last century. Side note, I ran this text through AI to see if it would make the tone a little more gentle. The response is "It might be time to move onto a new topic. Let's start over.", so you see Microsoft's copilot AI is not only neutral, it's decidedly left-wing. Nothing in this text should be construed as anything but the highest respect to its readers. Ask about Biden and you get many results, mention Trump and you do not. Clearly, there is bias even in our technology.


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